As a young mother am interested to surf for discounts online and sometimes fortunately find free stuffs also. so i blog about free stuffs,discount coupons,sale items,offers,tips.. whichever i used, utilized and found it as best ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ sometime nutritional tips too and some more useful tips in Sweden whatever i think as best :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Triaba's Advent Calendar 2015
En av mina mest favorit undersökning panel nu genomför Jultävlingens, där du kan vinna en paypal betalning av 10USD så många gånger och 100 USD om 24 december.
Fortfarande inte registrerad på Triaba ?? Registrera dig omedelbart.
Mer information om tävlingen och hur man deltar hittar du här
Triaba är en panel som ofta skickar ut enkäter med lämplig längd som går snabbt att genomföra, de har också en hel del tävlingar under året, vilket är alltid roligt att delta i. Höjdpunkten är alltid en adventskalender med en vinnare varje dag i december Jag hoppas att mina läsare är turen inte bara för att få veta om förtroende kunna undersökning panel, men också större chans att vinna mer (bortsett från att få betalt för att svara på enkäter). Dubbel nytta nu killar !!
Mer om Triaba är ett norskt företag som fokuserar på att leverera undersökningar i samarbete med Cint AB. Triaba är medlem i AMA (American Marketing Association), prenumerera och följa AAPOR lagen (American Association for Public Opinion Research) och följer ESOMAR: s uppförandekod. Triaba är också medlem i Norsk Markedsanalyse Forening.
Triaba är en del av Cint OpinionHUB. OpinionHUB, tidigare känd som Cint Panel Exchange, sammanför frågor och svar från hela världen bildar en unik, transparent insikt marknadsplats. Företag kommer till plattformen för att inrätta online-grupper av konsumenter, företag och specialistgrupper som kan nås genom marknadsundersökare. För mer information,
• De vanligaste frågorna besvaras på vår hemsida i FAQ-avsnittet.
• Du kan också ställa frågor på Facebook webbplats eller blogg på Mytriaba.
Lycka läsare! Jag höll också tummarna !!
Fortfarande inte registrerad på Triaba ?? Registrera dig omedelbart.
Mer information om tävlingen och hur man deltar hittar du här
Triaba är en panel som ofta skickar ut enkäter med lämplig längd som går snabbt att genomföra, de har också en hel del tävlingar under året, vilket är alltid roligt att delta i. Höjdpunkten är alltid en adventskalender med en vinnare varje dag i december Jag hoppas att mina läsare är turen inte bara för att få veta om förtroende kunna undersökning panel, men också större chans att vinna mer (bortsett från att få betalt för att svara på enkäter). Dubbel nytta nu killar !!
Mer om Triaba är ett norskt företag som fokuserar på att leverera undersökningar i samarbete med Cint AB. Triaba är medlem i AMA (American Marketing Association), prenumerera och följa AAPOR lagen (American Association for Public Opinion Research) och följer ESOMAR: s uppförandekod. Triaba är också medlem i Norsk Markedsanalyse Forening.
Triaba är en del av Cint OpinionHUB. OpinionHUB, tidigare känd som Cint Panel Exchange, sammanför frågor och svar från hela världen bildar en unik, transparent insikt marknadsplats. Företag kommer till plattformen för att inrätta online-grupper av konsumenter, företag och specialistgrupper som kan nås genom marknadsundersökare. För mer information,
• De vanligaste frågorna besvaras på vår hemsida i FAQ-avsnittet.
• Du kan också ställa frågor på Facebook webbplats eller blogg på Mytriaba.
Lycka läsare! Jag höll också tummarna !!
Triaba's Advent Calendar 2015
One of my most favorite survey panel is now conducting Christmas competition, where you can win a paypal payment of 10USD as many times and 100 USD on DEC 24.
Still not registered in Triaba?? Sign up immediately.
More information about the competition and how to participate can be found here
Triaba is a panel that often sends out surveys with suitable length that is quick to implement, they also have a lot of contests during the year which is always fun to participate in. The highlight is always an Advent calendar with a winner every day in December I hope my readers are lucky enough not only to get to know about trust-able survey panel, but also better chance to win more (apart from getting paid for completing surveys). Double Benefit now guys!!
More about Triaba is a Norwegian company focusing upon delivering surveys in cooperation with Cint AB. Triaba is a member of AMA (American Marketing Association), subscribe and adhere to the AAPOR Code (American Association for Public Opinion Research) and follows ESOMAR's Code of Conduct. Triaba is also a member of Norsk Markedsanalyse Forening.
Triaba is a part of Cint OpinionHUB. OpinionHUB, formerly known as Cint Panel Exchange, brings together questions and answers from all around the world forming a unique, transparent insight marketplace. Companies come to the platform to set up online groups of consumers, businesses and specialist communities that can be accessed by market researchers. For more information,
• The most common questions are answered on our website in the FAQ-section.
• You can also post questions on Facebook site or on blog Mytriaba.
Still not registered in Triaba?? Sign up immediately.
More information about the competition and how to participate can be found here
Triaba is a panel that often sends out surveys with suitable length that is quick to implement, they also have a lot of contests during the year which is always fun to participate in. The highlight is always an Advent calendar with a winner every day in December I hope my readers are lucky enough not only to get to know about trust-able survey panel, but also better chance to win more (apart from getting paid for completing surveys). Double Benefit now guys!!
More about Triaba is a Norwegian company focusing upon delivering surveys in cooperation with Cint AB. Triaba is a member of AMA (American Marketing Association), subscribe and adhere to the AAPOR Code (American Association for Public Opinion Research) and follows ESOMAR's Code of Conduct. Triaba is also a member of Norsk Markedsanalyse Forening.
Triaba is a part of Cint OpinionHUB. OpinionHUB, formerly known as Cint Panel Exchange, brings together questions and answers from all around the world forming a unique, transparent insight marketplace. Companies come to the platform to set up online groups of consumers, businesses and specialist communities that can be accessed by market researchers. For more information,
• The most common questions are answered on our website in the FAQ-section.
• You can also post questions on Facebook site or on blog Mytriaba.
Idag la campadre upp fina glas från orrefors som ni kan få gratis genom att uppge rabattkoden SRE12150 som ger 150kr i rabatt (frakt på 49kr tillkommer dock).
Är ni inte redan med hos campadre blir ni det här (värvningslänk).

Ta ner appen tryme och få en kupong på gratis juice
Klockan 12.00 släpper twinings nya kuponger på gratis te.
Klockan 12.00 släpper twinings nya kuponger på gratis te.
Kappahl kör köp 3 betala för 2 nu på alla varor, de har även fri frakt.
Erbjudandet gäller fram till den 13/12
Erbjudandet gäller fram till den 13/12
Christmas at Liseberg
Christmas at Liseberg
Scandinavia’s largest Christmas market at Liseberg and innovative, stylish lighting design and attractions along the central three kilometre Lane of Light. Liseberg is open until the end of December, the city illuminations all over New Years.
Place: Liseberg Amusement Park
Location: GothenburgPlace: Liseberg Amusement Park
Website: Liseberg
Making Pre-school Playdates in Sweden
Making Pre-school Playdates in Sweden (or just in my weird neighborhood)
I have to admit I’ve never had a pre-school age kid in the US, so most of what I understand of the culture over there I have learned second-hand from friends and family. But my current experience with a now 4-year-old Little Swede means learning to make playdates in Sweden, and man it is a jungle out there!
Things were tricky from the get go. I can’t say it is the Swedish parents of the kids at Little Swede’s pre-school, because most of the kids there are ‘mutts’ like mine (half Swede, half something else), but the parents at this pre-school just don’t talk to each other. Now I am shy, and appreciate the Swedish attitude of ‘don’t feel obliged to talk to anyone as it’s not necessary and often uncomfortable’ most of the time because I am naturally shy and totally an INFJ on the Myers Briggs scale (which might explain why I like it here so damn much). But even I think saying ‘hi’ to people who you have something in common with like ‘hey our kids go to the same school’ is a nice touch and not a social burden.
But fine. The parents maybe mutter out a little hello, if forced. Some insist on staring at the ground and pretending that they just didn’t hear you. And thus I was pretty terrified of how we would breech the whole ‘Hey my kid wants to play with your kid, can we make a play date?’ subject. I mean Little Swede plays with the neighbors, but he LOVES his classmates and asks about them CON-STANT-LY (as 4 year olds are incredibly gifted at doing).
So I agonized over ways to approach some of these ‘stare at the ground, whatever you do don’t make eye contact’ kind of parents. Put a letter in the cubbyhole with our contact information? Try to catch them in person at drop-off/pick-up? Arrange a telephone contact list by pinning a note on the back of the door? Which would be the least antagonistic way to make sure Little Swede could hang out with some friends?
Thankfully before I had to make a decision I received a text message. Apparently that is how you make play dates in Sweden. One of the ‘stare at the ground’ parents was too busy to say hello, but sent a text message implying that her 4 year old was badgering her equally about the need for a playdate, and might we possibly want to come over one day.
Apparently, the tactic she pursued was tracking us down on Gula Sidorna and then sending us a text message. Good to know for the future (although I am willing to shake things up a bit).
I really hope my pre-school is just a bit quirky in this department! How did your kids get Swedish playdates
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